おいしい料理が堪能できます。南フランスの濃いめのワイン、アルコール度数15.5と 一緒にこの日は子牛のコンフィをいただきました。
As in Paris, Nice, and Bordeaux, there are many open cafes in the south of France. This time of year, it is light until around 8:00 p.m., so we start eating slowly on the terrace from around 8:00 p.m. At first, we have an aperitif (an alcoholic drink before dinner).
By the time the main course is served, the moonlight and table lamps will illuminate the terrace and you will be able to enjoy the delicious food.
We had veal confit with a strong wine from the south of France with an alcohol content of 15.5.
Thank you God!
2023 . 09 . 17