初の蔵元 ドメーヌシングラとインポーターのトゥーレールジャポンのコラボ。
配送業者では破損したようで、3箱中2箱しか届いていないとのこと。届いた箱はポスターとチラシメイン。届かなかった箱はワイン12本入り。 冷や汗。。。
交渉の末、破損のまま当日届けてもらい、手持ちでグルナッシュ系ワイン6本を当日運んだ。 蓋を開けると、破損したのは2本だけだった。汚損もひどく無い。そしてオープン後、大盛況のお客様。
November 7th 13:45-17:00
Grenache Fair held at Happo-en
This was an event applied for by French and Spanish wine producers.
The first collaboration between a winery”Domaine Singla" and an importer "Thourel Japon".
The organizer called me Nov.6th. because the wine that was supposed to arrive the day before hadn't arrived.
The delivery company said that it had been damaged, and only two of the three boxes had arrived. The boxes that arrived were mainly posters and flyers. The box that didn't arrive contained 12 bottles of wine.
Cold sweat.....
I headed straight for Happo-en and confirmed with delivery company "S" on the phone.
They said that they had left the damaged goods at the office instead of delivering them.
(A little angry)
After negotiating, they delivered them on the day with the damaged goods intact, and I carried six bottles of Grenache wine with me on the day.
When I opened the lid, only two bottles were damaged. They weren't too badly stained. And after the opening, the store was a huge success with customers.
Regular customers and new customers alike.
Thank you very much, Domaine Singla, Sopexa, Happoen ,and guest,
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ホリデースペシャルセール 本日最終!南仏薫るロゼキールロワイヤルのホリデースペシャルギフトBOX合計価格:9,324円(税込)ホリデーサービス30%OFF!で 6,526円 高級ワインギフト!食べるお花のギフトは40〜50%OFFまで贈る喜び、贈られる喜びを皆様に!ラヴィデシャトーで。http://vie-de-chateau.net
2024 . 12 . 25 セレクト商品のお話