エリーゼ宮殿にも納品されていた幻の「パセ タンプ」
世界的に有名なワイン評論家、ロバート パーカー氏、ジェブ ダンク氏、そしてデカンタ採点でも高得点を受賞した自慢のワインです。
The fantastic "Passetemps" was delivered to the Elise Palace.
It is the proud recipient of high scores from world-renowned wine critics Robert Parker and Jeb Dunk, as well as Decanter scoring.
Ripe stone fruit on the palate. The palate is full of leathery, complex aromas that repeat themselves over and over in the mouth. The palate is full of ripe stone fruit, leather, and complex aromas that repeat themselves over and over in the mouth, with a hint of spice.
It is as if time repeats itself.
エリーゼ宮殿にも納品されていた幻の「パセ タンプ」The fantastic "passe-temps" that were also delivered to the Elise Palace
2024 . 05 . 06